Saturday, July 2, 2011

June 27, 2011

Dear Family,

It was great to hear from you all. I can´t believe all of the things that have happened in this past week. It really is so crazy. First off, I took a flight (in a tiny airplane (I´m not joking, I think we had a total of ten people in the plane including the pilot)) from a little airport in Los Mochis, and we flew directly to Los Cabos San Lucas. From there, we drove to San Jose.

The ward is really great, and it is split up between 2 sets of missionaries; Elder Toledo and I, and Elder Tingly and Elder Servera. That is our whole district! Probably the biggest and most important thing that I have learned so far from my time in this ward, is how important it is to not spread gossip. This ward is riddled with "who said this", and "who did that". It really has opened my eyes to the fact that nothing god comes from this, and it really can hurt people. All of us are children of our Father in Heaven, and he loves us all. Nobody deserves to be at either end of a rumor or a false accusation. This really is something that I can improve upon in my life.

So yeah, I have realized something quite intriguing. Whenever I start to develop pride in certain areas of my life, the Lord sees fit for me to be brought low into humility, until I remember He from whom all blessings flow. This has happened twice with me getting sick. I start to take a little pride in myself saying "look at me, I have been in a new country, living a different lifestyle, and eating strange food, and I have yet to be sick" and then what do you think?!... Yeah, it is almost scary how fast it works, but right after I start to think these thoughts, I fall sick. You´d think I´d learn, but hey! I have been in Mexico for 3 months, and I have only been sick twice! Yay haha

Well, It sure is good to hear from home. I love you all so much. I know that this gospel is the Gospel of Christ, and if we strive to live these principles we will realize grand blessings in our lives. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me. They love you. And they will never leave our side no matter where we are and what we are doing as we strive to do the things that they have asked of us.

Con Amorisimo,

Elder Johnson

June 21, 2011

Dear Family,

How is the family? Now before you all start to think that I am apostatizing and writing on the internet on Tuesday, I´d like to say that I have special permission from the Presidente.

I am officially in Los Cabos de San Jose and life is good. You can sleep easy for the next 6 months, or for however long I am here, because this place is completely different from Sinaloa. No violence, and no killings. Pure tourists. Almost everyone knows at least a little English. (Which won´t really help me learn Spanish...) And best of all ........(building suspense)........ there is no heat! Not really anyways, because we are right on the beach, and so the breeze from the ocean really cools this place down. I think that Los Cabos and I are going to fall well together.

My last week in Los Mochis was a really sad week. We had been preparing this lady named Lupita for baptism for the whole transfer, and everything was ready for last Saturday. We arrived at Saturday, and she was there at the chapel waiting for us, ready to be baptized. She had brought her granddaughter, Danae, to be baptized too, but we couldn´t do it. We didn´t have permission from the mother. When Danae found out this, she became really depressed and began to say that she wasn´t going to be baptized ever, and the whole situation was really difficult. We finally came up with the solution that we would wait to baptize both of them together until after we received the permission.

I was also really sick this week. In fact, I think that I lost weight for the first time since I have started my mission.

I love you all so much. I hope that everything is good at home.

Love, Elder Johnson

June 20, 2011

Querido Familia,

Yeah, I´m going to be transferred this week! So I thought instead of writing a big long letter, I´ll send some pictures so they can see their beautiful son. I am going to be transferred to Los Cabos in Baja Cali South. The area is in San Jose. I am really excited because I think there will be beaches!

Love you all much.

Con Amor, Elder Johnson