Tuesday, October 4, 2011

September 5, 2011

Hello Family!!!

Well, I was super excited to hear from you all. That really is fantastic that Grandpa y Grandma Johnson could show up for a couple of days. I have looked back on those opportunities that I have had to be able to work side by side, building with Grandpa and learning how to cook with Grandma, and I will cherish those experiences for my whole life.

Well, we have now officially started the last week of Elder Rovaldis Mission. He has been counting the days for about two weeks now. It really is kind of funny. Now, but in all honesty, I have seen the hand of the Lord in our lives. Especially for my companion, giving him these last few experiences, that he will take with him for the rest of his life. After having worked so diligently in the work of Señor, he is now being blessed greatly.

We had a miracle this past week. (well actually we have them quite often... haha) So we had the amazing opportunity to baptize Noe Torres! I has so happy you could not believe. This really is the first step in changing the rest of his life, and we helped give him the opportunity to realize his true potential. I know that the Lord is preparing a way for each and every one of his children. He knows them and loves them on a level that we cannot possibly understand. If we, the missionaries (but this applies to everyone), live up to our fullest potential, obeying the commandments and living in accordance with the Holy Ghost, then the Lord will be able to manipulate and use us for the welfare of others, and in turn we will be built up in the process. If we really understand this, and turn ourselves over to the Lord, he will make us 762348900.03 times more effective.(this number has not been exaggerated or made up, but has been taken from statistics...or something like that) You get the point.

Well, other than that we are still praying for and working with Myra Mesa. She did not come to the church this Sunday. That was a bummer. But we are really excited, and trust that the Lord will provide the means whereby she can make these choices.

We had a Junta de Zona today! Yeah! It was really great. I learned much. But as always, the part more important is that I need to apply what I have learned in my life and in my teaching. I think that there is a saying that goes like this "The difference between wisdom and knowledge is... Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge". Or something like that. Who knows I could be making it up. And we played soccer as a Zone!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaay! I do not know if you all know it, but I LOVE soccer. I found out something really strange today when we played. We were playing really well at the beginning, but we could not beat anyone for some reason. Then about half way through I was put in Goalie (which I really hate... I am scared of the ball or something) and we started to win. We won five games in a row, which was more than any other team. I do not think this was due to my super Goalie skills, but was more due to that fact that I am a little bit of a ball hog, and not a team player. Do not worry, this story applies to mission and life. The mission is a team effort. The family is a team effort. Life in general is a team effort. Everything is a team effort. If we go at something alone, we will never achieve our goal. God gave us families to help us make it through this life.

To conclude my epistle, I would just like to tell you all that I love you. I pray and care for each and every one of you.


Elder Johnson

August 29, 2011

Dear Family,

Thank you so much. I really enjoyed hearing about how things are going back at home. The truth is, even if I don´t want it to, life is passing by for everyone, not just me. Haha Sometimes my remarkable wisdom even surprises me.

Anyways as for me, life has been pretty tough this last week. Well to start off with, we had two baptisms planned for this past Saturday. They both fell. It is not that bad though. Noe Torres really just did not have the time to be able to be baptized and so he will definitely be being baptized for this coming Saturday! As for Myra Mesa, that is a whole different story all together. So we were doing divisions with the other missionaries in our area this past Wednesday, and so I was working in our area with Elder Tingey (really cool guy who is from Las Vegas). We were teaching Myra Mesa, and we had a super powerful spiritual lesson with her. Then right after wed left, those Testigos de Jehova showed up. (More commonly known as T-Jays or in other words Jehovah’s Witnesses) This is a common occurrence here in Mexico. Almost all of them go out and do "missionary" work. Their "preaching" to Myra consisted of saying a whole bunch of nasty things about us, and saying that we were from the devil, and that she was a bad person for even giving the time to listen to us. It wouldn´t be so bad, but they planted doubts in her mind, and now she questions everything. She was very confused. We had a good lesson with her after, and I really hope that she understood what we were getting at. We stressed greatly on the importance of prayer, and how if she wants to know the truth, she needs to ask someone who knows. Obviously we are humans, and so is everyone else. This means that we could be lying to her. But if she would put forth the effort and ask God, she would know for herself the truth of ALL things. We are going to have a Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening) with her tonight in the house of the Hno. Alfaro with some other members who are really cool. I hope that everything goes well with her, and that she will be able to exercise her faith and be baptized. We will see.

Other than that, we have been doing pretty good. The food is great! Mexico is great! The weather is super hot! (well sometimes,... this week we had mostly clouds, so we didn´t get much sun, but it was still really humid) My companion is super! This area is magnificent! My Mission President is the best in the whole world hands down! We really have seen miracles in this transfer. There are two weeks left, and then Elder Rovaldi goes off for home. It really is crazy how fast these past few weeks have flown by.

Well, I must be going now. I love you all so much, and I pray for you all often.


Elder Johnson

August 22, 2011

Dear Family,

Well this week was so great. It sounds like things are busy as usual at home. The pasture is fenced in white? This is something that I have always wanted to see. I guess that I will just have to wait to see that. That is too bad about the neighbors. Well, the side of the house will be a job and a half. But once it is all cleaned up, it will look so great. Jackie learned how to ride a bike!!! Por Fin!!!! I knew that she could do it, if she put her mind to it. I guess all she needed was a more patient teacher, like Kelsey. haha

Well, this week was superb. We have been initiating a new system of finding references from the members. It really has helped with the work. I will not lie, it is a lot more fun (not to mention effective) receiving references. We had a great District Meeting today. We learned that the Lord is preparing the people in our areas, and one of the most effective ways for us to find them is by receiving references. President Cantú told us in an e-mail that in two days, our Mission had received 600 references. That is so many people and families.

Well, for this Saturday we have two baptisms planned for us, and two for the other missionaries in our ward. If all goes well Noe Torres and Myra Mesa are going to be baptized. I really am so excited for them. I know that this really will change their lives. I have already seen the progress that they have made. We have been working with Noe Torres for a while. He decided to investigate the church because of his girlfriend. That was great, because he has a support system. And already we have seen the change in Myra. She is more happy, and really has a lot more confidence in herself, and in us. This really is great. I sure hope that everything goes well for this week. Also, this week is so important for us because in this week we need to find and start preparing the people who will baptize in the last week of the transfer. That is the way it should be anyways.

Well, I am so glad for this opportunity that I have to be out here on a mission. I am so glad that you are all supporting me in this endeavor. It really has helped me learn and grow in more ways than I could have possibly imagined. I know that this church is true. This gospel holds the keys of salvation, and through it we can return to our loving Heavenly Father. It was restored to the earth through the prophet Joseph Smith. All of this is made possible through our Lord and Redeemer Jesucristo.

Love Elder Johnson

August 15, 2011

Dear Family,

Well, it was so good to hear from you this past week. It sounds like there is a lot going on at home. That is great that people have decided to move into the other house. At least it will get a little use, and not just sit empty. Is Jackie just soooo excited to be starting the 6th grade. She is now one of the BIG kids of the school. Good Luck.

Well, as for me, the weeks fly by. I cannot believe how fast the time goes, I still feel so green out here in the field, and I realized that I have like 5 months here in Mexico.

Well, you want some details about my life? It is great here in San Jose 2b. My companion Elder Rovaldi is really a great guy. He always has a smile and a joke to tell. It really helps to lift the mood. There is a lot of heat here and the sun is really strong, but we have something special here in the Baja that is not in Sinaloa. A breeze! So the heat is not so bad. The church is about three kilometers away from where we live. It is the area of the other Elders. The house is fine. We do not have a million cucarachas, but if we leave the windows open to take down the heat, a cat enters and eats all of our good food! It leaves all of the granola, and only eats the cereal. So yeah, when we return to the house in the night it is like walking into a oven.

Well, the big news for this week is an investigator who we found. Her name is Myra Mesa. She is twenty and has been living here in the baja alone for about 4 months. She has a four year old daughter who lives back in Mexico with her mom. She moved here to get away from her boyfriend. He manipulated her, and was not true to her. So she really felt alone and really sad. We were walking down the street, not really contacting, just looking. Then we decided to try this one house. When we showed up at her door, Myra answered and she told us to come right on in. We taught her, and the lesson was AWESOME! She came to church, and her experience with that was a miracle in itself. She was walking around lost, and had no idea how to get there. Then by coincidence some other missionaries of the other ward found her, and helped her to the church. It was great. We taught her after church yesterday to resolve some of her doubts, and she confided in us that two days before she met us she had prayed that she could alleviate from the pain that she felt. She told us that when she saw us, she was just filled with happiness. And in the church she felt so good that she did not want it to end. My testimony has grown so much this past week while working with Myra. I know that there are people who are being prepared by our Father in Heaven, and if we are obedient, and follow the Spirit, we will be able to find them. There were too many "coincidences" with Myra that it is impossible to think that we were just that lucky. Our Father in Heaven was providing a way for Myra to hear this gospel. She accepted a baptismal date for the 27 of August. We will see how that goes.

Well, other than that, I think that life has not changed much. I just want you to know that I love you all so very much, and I pray for you always. I know that our Father in Heaven cares about our family.


Elder Johnson

August 8, 2011

Dear Family

How has been the first week of August? Is it not just amazing how fast the summer just flew by. I can hardly believe that we are in August. I sure hope that everything is just going fantastic back at home.

Well, this week was really amazing. So, this past Saturday, we were going to baptize one of our investigators named Raul. Raul is the last member of a part member family who has not been baptized, so we were really really excited. Saturday came, and Raul did not. We were left waiting in the church for an hour waiting for him to show up. He never did. Life went on, and we went about our work, but I will not lie to you, I was really depressed. We had spent so much time, and commitment into helping Raul take these steps in his life, and he did not show up. And on top of that, we were fasting. All in all, I was in a foul mood. I had a bunch of hunger and thirst, and on top of it all the baptism fell through. That night during our planning, I had the opportunity to really do some soul searching. I found that I had been a grump almost all of the evening. This really is an inappropriate manner for a representative of Jesus Christ to be behaving. I really felt chastened. One of the most important things that President Cantu told me in my interview is to smile more and be happy. I really have been putting that into practice, because at times I really find that I take life way too serious. It really has helped me in almost all of the aspects of the mission.

Oh, by the way do not worry about Raul, we stopped by his house (shack more like) and he told us the he had a bunch of nervousness, and that is why he did not show up. We invited him to pray with us, and after the prayer, he told us that he felt fine. He went through with his baptism yesterday after church, and will be confirmed for the next Sunday!!! He was the last member of this family to be baptized. Now they can start preparing themselves to go through the Temple, and be sealed as a Family for Eternity. I really just love the work.

So guess what,.... It is RAINING!!!! I love the rain so much. Whenever it rains, I love to just go out and stand in the rain, and feel it just sink in. It is really rejuvenating here in Los Cabos. We really need the rain, because it is a desert here. (not to mention it cuts down on the heat!)

Well, that is about all that has been happening around here. I received the card from Jackie! Thank you so so so much. I loved it mucho. I love you all so much and miss you dearly. Take care.

Love Elder Johnson

August 1, 2011

Dear Family,

I was so pleased to receive your letter. It is always good to hear from home. I really can´t say that I envy you all, cleaning out the basement,... but look on the bright side, next summer Elder Johnson (the shortie) will have returned, and can help. Well a lot of things happened this week. I don´t even know where to start. I guess I´ll start at the beginning no?

So yeah, we went to the doctor, and found out that it was an infection. They gave me even more eye-drops. But the part about this whole experience is the miracle that happened. I don´t really know what happened, but the day after I started to use the drops, I could see!!!! It was the most amazing thing that could have happened. It was only in the infected eye, but I could see. Without glasses or contacts! You really can´t imagine how neat of an experience it was. It was just one of those little miracles that happen to remind us that God really does listen, and cares about each and every one of us. Yeah after that day I went back to being my normal blind self! haha oh well.

So we have been teaching a family of bread makers se llama Familia Lara. They are really great! You wouldn´t believe how tiring it is to make the dough in such grand quantities. We have helped them a number of times make the dough, and it always turns out to be 15 kilos or around that. They are really great though, and I really enjoy teaching them. They all went to the church the past Sunday, but there is a slight problem. The Dad does not want to have anything to do with us. There is always something, but yeah, we are going to see what we can do, and leave the rest up to the Lord.

So, the other big news is that my companion received his transfer, and left for Culiacan. I am of mixed emotions about that, but I´ll miss him. I received Elder Rovaldi. He is a missionary from the same generation as Elder Toledo. This means that he is going to end his mission at the end of this Transfer. I think that were are going to have a great transfer. The Lord has been preparing this area for the next change. Other big news! My "father" Elder Cope is going to end his mission on Wednesday. Really the time passes so fast here it is unbelievable. I celebrated six months this past week! I also learned something a little bit sad. Some Elders told me that letters that I send home could possibly not make it. They told me that a bunch of letters get stopped at the border. Oh well! ¡Ni modo! ¿Vale la pena, no?

Well, this is my simple letter. I hope you enjoy it.

I love you all so much. I am so glad for your support. It really means the world to me. I love Jesus Christ. The more I learn, the more I gain an appreciation for how much we really need the effects of the Atonement in our lives. It is a gift that cannot be priced.


Elder Johnson

p.s. Jackie, I love you very very much, and I want you to remember that you are a very sweet girl. You have a special place in my heart.

p.p.s. Benjamin, I love you very much too. You should forward your letters, and tell me how you’re doing.