Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July 25, 2011

Dear Family,

How was your week? (¿Comò les fue esta semana?) I hope that all went well. (Espero que todo bien) My week went great. I had the opportunity to do divisions with those other missionaries in our district. We do divisions about once a week now. This is a change that the President has been initiating. It helps all of us to be more informed, and have more unity as a mission. (¡Mio estuvo fantástico! Tenia la oportunidad a hacer divisiones con los otros misioneros in nuestro distrito. Lo hacemos casi cada semana. Eso es un cambio que Presidente ha sido iniciando. Realmente nos ayuda a ser mas informado, y tener mas unidad en la misión. Yeah, my Spanish is lacking a lot, but all I can do is try my best, pray, and leave the rest up to the Lord.

Well, the big news of the past two days is that I'm BLIND!!!!!! Yeah, well, almost.... Yesterday in the church I was just sitting there, (minding my own business), when all of a sudden my eye really started to hurt. So we bought some eye drops, but they did do anything. When I woke up this morning it felt like I had sandpaper under my eye lid. Every time I moved my eye to look at things it hurt.... A LOT! So yeah, we went to the eye doctor, and they told me that I have an infection, and they gave my "special" eye drops. Yeah I don`t know if they'll do anything different, but we'll see in two weeks. All I can do is cry. Literally. My eye is leaking water, and everyone thinks that I am crying. It is kind of weird, because I have never met anyone who cries from one eye, have you? But the best part about this whole experience is that I get to Preach the Gospel in style now! I get to use sunglasses for ten days. I guess this is the best option. I guess the whole world won't ask me to give them my eyes for the next few days. I'm not joking, I have promised like four people to sackar my eyes with a spoon and trade them. I guess this is what I get for being soooo handsome.... I know, you’re all thinking (where is the humility?).

Anyways, yeah, other than this nothing much has been happening. I have been working hard with my companion, and I have learned a lot. This is a mission of Love and Service. I really was having trouble loving my companion, and I knew that this was affecting our ability to work (however little of it we did). So I was looking for ways that I could help this, and I was reading in the Gospels, and something that stood out to me was that Jesus was always serving others, and he had more love than anyone. I started to apply this in my companionship, and I really found out that when you serve someone with an open heart, you cannot help to love them. Another thing that really has been helping me, is that I need to stop looking for the bad. Because the truth is that I will always find it. I t is when I look past the bad that I really can start to be able to help him and me grow.

I'm glad that you had the opportunity to go to both of the farewells. I'm sure that they really are ready for this great work. And, of course Kyle would go Sky-Diving the week before his mission. I was going to wait till after mine... And about the letters, I have replied to everyone who has written me. The problem is here, in Los Cabos, it takes a whole extra week for the letters to arrive because it first goes to Mexico and then to the USA.

Well, I love you all so much, and I hope you have a great week.

Con mucho amor,
·Elder Johnson

July 18, 2011

Dear Family,

Well, another week has come and gone. All is going pretty much okay here. That is too bad that the basement flooded. I guess it is that time of year again. La verdad, estoy muy agradecido que no estaba allí por eso. Tengo muchas memorias de sacando todas las mueblas, la ropa, y también el la alfombra del sótano. Y después de eso, sacando la agua y limpiando todo. Nunca me gusta haciendo eso, pero ¿como es la vida, no?

The truth is, this week was quite frustrating. My companion and I were at odds for quite a while. He has basically one transfer left until he returns to his house, and he has started to be trunky. Because of this, there has been some contention between us. This is not good, because the scriptures say that contention comes from the Devil (D&C 63:28). What has really helped me this past week is reading the scriptures, and seeing how they apply to my life, and my situation. I was really humbled by what they taught me. 3 Ne.14:1-2 Talks about how I should not judge others, or I will be in danger of being judged myself. Also in verses 3-5 it talks about how I should not look for the sliver in the eye of my neighbor (or my companion) while I have a beam in my own eye. Another scripture that really broke down my pride was Alma 60:23-24. It compares us to cups. It says that I should clean the inside of the vessel first, and the outside will clean its self. In other words, what I learned from the scriptures, is that I should not judge others, but I should start first with correcting, and living my life how Jesus wants.

Well, that is all for this week. I love you all so much, and I hope that you all have a very good week.

Elder Johnson

p.s. Do you think that you could send me some pictures? of everything?!... well, just the things that are important, like the truck, the horses, the cat, the swinging porch-bench (there is a member in this ward who is a carpenter (can't I take a little pride in my work...), and of course the Family.

July 11, 2011

Dear Family,

How was your week? Mine was great. We had our interviews with president. It went great. He shared a scripture with me, that really hit home. 1 Cor. 1: 25-27. He then proceeded to explain to me how there are so many other people, better qualified, that God could choose to do this work. And yet he choose us. “Barely leaving the bliss of youth”, he calls 19- 20 year old boys (21 for women). There is a reason for this. We, as Missionaries, find ourselves quite often in situations where we really do not know the answer. We realize more than ever how important it is to pray always, and trust in the Lord. Do His work, His way. This was what I needed to hear, when I needed to hear it.

Some other news of this week. We baptized Juan-Carlos. We really have quite a unique opportunity to see the spiritual progression of the lives of the people whom we serve. It is quite a great perspective. Carlos is a boy with 22 years. When we first were teaching him, he had no interest in our message, and really didn`t show any signs of progression. But we really saw how God started to prepare his heart to be ready for this change in his life. It really helped me understand that this isn`t my work. I really can try with all of my effort, doing my part, but if it is not the will of the Lord, I won`t be able to do anything. This is why they stress so much for us to live our lives so we can be in-tune with the Spirit.

Other than this, life is great. We have lots of heat here. I have started to get accustomed to leaving the house, knowing my clothes will be damp, within 15 min, from the humidity. The funniest thing happened this Sunday. There was three families of gringos (Americans) in the church who were talking to me in English, and I really was bad at speaking. I am always trying to think in Spanish, and so when these opportunities happen, I`m not adjusted to it. I`m not forgetting my English, I`m just saying that I speak terrible. I`m pretty sure that I`m starting to form my sentences grammatically incorrect.

I love you all so much. I miss you muchisimo. I love my Savior Jesucristo. He suffered for my sins. Your sins. Our sins. He died on the cross. He rose on the third day, breaking the bands of death. He Lives.

Elder Johnson

July 4, 2011

Mi Familia Amado,

Well, as always, it was good to hear from home. I´m glad to hear that everything is going alright. It is too bad that you didn´t make it to any parades though...

Another week has gone by, and with it many experiences and memories. This week, probably the biggest thing that happened is that my compañero went to Culiacán for a big meeting with President Cantu because he is a district leader. Because of this I worked with the other Elders in my district from Tuesday through Friday. It was quite a fun time. Our area is suffering a little bit though, because we weren´t working in it for three days. All is okay though. This coming Wednesday we are going to have interviews with the President. I really am so excited. I do not think that I have told you, but my mission President is the best in the whole world. He is a spiritual powerhouse. And to think he only has 38 years.

Well, as always, I am learning new things every day. Through experiences that have passed in this transfer, I have come to realize how important it is for us to really be a representative of Jesus Christ at all times and in all places. You never know how others are going to perceive your actions. By developing those attributes that He has, we can personally come closer and understand our Savior better.

Also a little tidbit of information that I have been learning, is the fact that I do not know anything. There is always something new to learn, and always a different perspective. An EXTREMELY inactive member told us the other day, that the reason why he does not attend sacrament meeting is because everything is the same. All the talks are the same. All the testimonies also. We had a very powerful lesson trying to help him understand that we never stop learning.

Well, I apologize for the brevity of my letter, but I must be going. I love you all. I think of you often and pray for you more.

Con Amor,
Elder Johnson