Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 6, 2012

Dear Family,

Well, life out here in Mexico is pretty great, I´m not going to lie. I have recovered from the little cold that I had. That is a bit of great news. Oh, and also I finally have my bed back. Let me tell you, the phrase "you don´t know what you’ve got till it´s gone" is so true. The best part about the whole sleeping on the floor experience, is the added measure of appreciation for my bed when it finally returned home to me! Ha ha I have not slept so good for a whole week!

Anyway, about the bed,... The reason for why the bed was at the church was for the activity that Elder Soto and I put together. Which went amazing!!!! It was really such a blessing to see that the Lord blessed us so greatly for the time and effort that we put into the show. It was really quite a fun experience.

There was more people up on stage than out in the audience, but I am not complaining. We were able to bring 7 investigators to the activity, and each one of them told us that it was really an eye opener that they could apply the scriptures to their lives. One of those who came was the Hna. Nancy. She really is such a great lady. She came, loved it, and then came to church the following Domingo. We have an appointment with her tomorrow. Also, one of the biggest miracles that we saw this weekend was with the Hna. Rosalva. She is one of our investigators who we had stopped visiting because we could never find her. We had a little bit of time this Saturday, and we were close by her house, so we just decided to drop on by and see how she was doing. Miracle #1 She was home. Miracle #2 We didn´t even get to enter into her house because she had visitors, but we invited her to the church the following day, and she told us that she would come. Miracle #3 She came! So yeah, Elder Soto and I were pretty excited about that.

There was a sad ending to the missionary activity on Friday though. Elder Soto felt the need to take a photo of everyone who had come and participated. So he put his camera up on a table that was on top of another table. (p.s. for future reference, this is not a good idea). You can guess what happened. Well, he lost his balance, and bumped the table, which resulted in the camera falling to the ground. Okay in this moment the camera was probably still okay. Then the table on top of the other table decided that it wanted to take a dive after the camera (who know, perhaps it wanted to catch it or something). The table ended up falling on top of the camera and completely destroying it. Elder Soto was pretty bummed out about that. But life goes on.

Well, I love you all. I love this gospel. I love the comfort and joy that it brings as we apply the principles and teachings into our daily lives.

Love Elder Johnson

January 30, 2012


How is everyone doing? Great? That is just fantastic. I am doing fine, thank you very much.

Well, I´ll cut to the chase, and tell you all what has been happening in my life over the course of the past week. I had a very tough week. I am not kidding. So if it was not one thing, then it was another. Don´t worry, all is well in Zion,... let me tell you all how it went.

Well, I have been down with a cold for the past week. It started to hit me this past Wednesday. That is never fun. I really struggled to keep up my excitement and attitude during these days. I also do not think that sleeping on the floor really has been helping. As it so happened, I leant out my bed to be used as a prop in our missionary activity. Elder Soto and I have rehearsed a great play, for our activity, about a teenager who struggles understanding the scriptures. It is really great, because he (one of the kids in the ward) is placed on the ground in front of the stage, and then all of the other kids are on the stage acting out what is happening inside his head. It gives a whole new meaning to the saying "our mind is like a stage". Then the boy’s father enters, and he helps him read the scriptures and understand what is going on. We are praying for miracles here, so that the whole act will come together in the end. We will have the performance this coming Friday at 7:00. So because of that, my bed has stayed there in the church, and I have been sleeping on the floor. Don´t worry it is not as bad as I make it out to be,... there aren’t any cockroaches in the winter!

Well, Elder Soto and I have been working really hard for this past week to help our investigators progress, and guess what? In place of move on, they have stopped progressing. It was really a trying week in this aspect. The Hna. Audelia who had a baptismal date for this past 28 of January has been hiding from us. The wonderful sisters Erika and Laura have not called us to come visit them for a week and a half. And all of the other people, we have not been able to find, or have gone out of town. We found this great family the past Saturday (the miracle of the week). It is a family that I had been teaching with Elder Romero like 9 months ago. The family is great, but the dad is atheist, or so he says. When asked who God is, his reply was "death, dreams and spirit". He then gave this really long, and frankly whimsical explanation for why that was. I should not be to harsh on the man, he was really drunk. But the mom and the daughter were really excited to return to the church. It really was a miracle. Kimberly the daughter came to the church all on her own, because her mom had some business to take care of in the home. If we can have a baptism in this coming week it will be quite miraculous.

Well, I love you all so much. I am super SUPER grateful for the opportunity that I have to be a missionary. Farewell. I love you

Love Elder Johnson

p.s. Jackie take good care of those pets, Tibbs and Curly and Zoey. And give mommy and daddy big hugs and kisses from me!

p.p.s. When does Elder (Benjamin) Johnson return?

January 23, 2012

My Family,

How has everything been going for you all out in Utah? For me, it is hot. I know, you’re probably saying "it is only February" but yeah, that’s life.

Well, I don’t have much time to write because we had a zone activity today. It was great, we ate grilled meat in tortillas. There isn’t anything better!

Well, if you were wondering, yes, I will be reaching my first year mark this Thursday. Crazy huh?

Father, a few of my favorite scriptures for right now would be Alma 32 where it talks about the faith like unto a seed. Also Alma 7 is really great. It has some great parts about the atonement. If we go to the bible Daniel 1 when it talks about the kids who obey the word of wisdom, and 1 kings 17 about Daniel and Goliath. These are a few that have caught my eye recently.

Jackie, I hope that everything is going good in your life. Keep up the good work in school. It really is worth it. And never never NEVER forget that I love you!!!! And more importantly, that you are a beloved daughter of our father in heaven and He loves you. Mother thank you so much for the support that you have given me out here on my mission, and for all of the prayers. Oh, and shout out to Elder Johnson.... Keep up the good work, there is no other. Just like Nike said, "Just do It"... the Lords way! Finish strong.

Well I must be going, so I will try to tell you all what is happening next week. I Love you guys so much.

Love Elder Johnson

January 16, 2012

Beloved Family and Friends,

Well, this week has come and gone, and I am left only with the fleeting memories of the time that has long since past. That is a pretty cool sentence...

Back to reality here, this week was great. First off, transfers! Woo Hoo. We received those transfers this past Saturday, and you know what?,.. there were no changes. I will be staying here in Libertad for the next transfer with E. Soto. That means that I will be finishing off my first year (January 26,... yep, that is right. It is right around the corner) in the same place as when I entered into Mexico. I will also have 6 months in this same area. That is really great, because this area though small in stature (Jace) really has some potential. We were able to find 5 different people who accepted an invitation to be baptized this past week. I really am excited, because each and every one of them has their own unique and spiritual story. I´ll let you in on a few of those.

The Hna. Rosalva is a lady who we found while contacting in the street. She really is interested in the gospel, and even told us that she has always had her eyes on our religion. She told us that she knows that we were led by the spirit to her because of the way that we contacted her. We were walking down the street, and we passed by a lady (Rosalva) and just kept walking. Then, all of a sudden we turned around and made the contact introducing ourselves. She also told us that she wants to be baptized in a river. I don´t know how that is going to work out, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

The Hna. Perla is a young lady who recently moved into our ward from another, and is basically ready to be baptized. The other Elders had taught her and everything. She was ready for baptism when she moved from their area. Sometimes these things just happen. I am not complaining.

Well, thank you very much for the photos. I really enjoyed them.

Well, I hope that everything is well at home. If you are lucky it might snow. Right now, it is really cloudy here in Los Mochis. Funny huh? The day when we get to stay indoors away from the sun, and when we actually need the sun to dry the wash out on the line, is the day when it goes and plays hide-and-go-seek.

Jackie I love you. Mother I love you. Father I love you. Elder B. Johnson I love you too. I love you all.

Well adios.

Love Elder Johnson
3 Nefi 9:20-22

January 16, 2012

Beloved Family and Friends,

Well, this week has come and gone, and I am left only with the fleeting memories of the time that has long since past. That is a pretty cool sentence...

Back to reality here, this week was great. First off, transfers! Woo Hoo. We received those transfers this past Saturday, and you know what?,.. there were no changes. I will be staying here in Libertad for the next transfer with E. Soto. That means that I will be finishing off my first year (January 26,... yep, that is right. It is right around the corner) in the same place as when I entered into Mexico. I will also have 6 months in this same area. That is really great, because this area though small in stature (Jace) really has some potential. We were able to find 5 different people who accepted an invitation to be baptized this past week. I really am excited, because each and every one of them has their own unique and spiritual story. I´ll let you in on a few of those.

The Hna. Rosalva is a lady who we found while contacting in the street. She really is interested in the gospel, and even told us that she has always had her eyes on our religion. She told us that she knows that we were led by the spirit to her because of the way that we contacted her. We were walking down the street, and we passed by a lady (Rosalva) and just kept walking. Then, all of a sudden we turned around and made the contact introducing ourselves. She also told us that she wants to be baptized in a river. I don´t know how that is going to work out, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

The Hna. Perla is a young lady who recently moved into our ward from another, and is basically ready to be baptized. The other Elders had taught her and everything. She was ready for baptism when she moved from their area. Sometimes these things just happen. I am not complaining.

Well, thank you very much for the photos. I really enjoyed them.

Well, I hope that everything is well at home. If you are lucky it might snow. Right now, it is really cloudy here in Los Mochis. Funny huh? The day when we get to stay indoors away from the sun, and when we actually need the sun to dry the wash out on the line, is the day when it goes and plays hide-and-go-seek.

Jackie I love you. Mother I love you. Father I love you. Elder B. Johnson I love you too. I love you all.

Well adios.

Love Elder Johnson
3 Nefi 9:20-22

Elder's Johnson and Tingey, December 2011

January 9, 2012

Dear Family,

Well, I would just like to start off by saying that the mission is AWESOME! Anyways, enough said.

This week was a week filled with Spiritual Experiences. I will have to tell you about some of them. So, our wonderful investigators of Gold, the Hermanas Erika and Laura had a little set back in their baptism. Well, actually, they just weren´t baptized this past Friday, as we had planned. What had happened was that the Hermana Erika (age 31) had a cardiac arrest. I really don´t have a clue what that really means, but all I know is that she was out of sorts for the whole semana. So here is what happened, Tuesday, we had planned on going and visiting them, and giving them their last lesson for before their baptism. We arrived at their house, and called their phone, because nobody had answered to our knocking. Laura answered, and let us know that her sister had suffered from a cardiac arrest, and that they would not be able to attend us for the whole week. We were really bummed out, and also worried for the Hermana. Well, we went on with the week, and then Thursday we had a very spiritual Zone Conference. Well, leaving from this place, we had the strong impression that we should visit them (Erika and Laura). So in the night we went over to their house, and we taught them. We had one of the more spiritual lessons that I have been in on my whole mission. It was really great, and the Hermana Erika cried when taught about eternal families. That was a great experience.

That experience and many others that I have had this week have really helped me gain a testimony that God really has his hand in all of the things that we do, and he is waiting for us to listen and look to his spirit for guidance. I also found my new favorite scripture in the whole wide world! Ether 12:4 I would exhort you all to read this scripture, and meditate on the message that it contains. There are some really profound truths within the sentences of that verse. It really gives me hope, and that is one of those Christ-like attributes that I really have been working for.

Well, I also had a really great lesson with the Hermano Jose Carlos, and his family. We came up with the idea to have the lesson with him in the church, since we have the KEYS! Yay. There was a spirit very special with us that night. I played the piano, we then watched a little movie about John Tanner (really powerful story) and then had an activity where the whole family expressed their love for each other, and their desire to progress in this life, and the next. He committed to read, and then pray this week, so we shall see how that goes.

Well, I love you all, and like I said at the start, the mission is AWESOME! I wish you all a wonderful week, and hope the best for you guys.

With Love,
Elder Johnson (el Alto)

January 2, 2012

Dear Family,

So, how was your New Years? I hope that it was unbelievably memorable. Mine sure was. I´ll let ya´ll in on what went down here.

So Elder Soto and I were really struggling this New Years, trying to teach people. It really was hard, because everyone was occupied making food, or they were leaving and going out to parties. So in place of trying to teach the people, we came up with a great idea. SINGING! Woohoo! I really just love that. So we would show up the houses and instead of asking if we could share a message with the people, we asked them if we could sing a song (Hymns of the Church... of course) to invite the Spirit into their homes for the new year. With the concept of little to no commitment on their time, they were thrilled at the prospect. It really paid off. We spent the night singing hymns, and sharing brief scriptures. We got a ton of references, and the best of all, is we got to eat in a Christian party. There is a story for you. We showed up to a house, and asked them if we could sing. They gladly accepted our invitation, and invited us in. We entered and sang. It was great. Then afterwards, they invited us to eat with them. Fried meat in tortillas of Harina (flour,.. I think) with a little bit of salsa. It literally was a little bit of something really good. They then commenced to sing alabanzas (rock style hymns). I think that our little song inspired the rock star within them. It was really great. Then at the end, they asked me if I could offer a prayer. I gladly accepted. (I think that they always pick me, to see if I can actually speak Spanish or not... Haha) As I was offering the prayer, I heard them muttering something like "Halleluiah" and "Amen". It definitely was a new thing for me.

Well, the night ended great. We had permission from President to return to the house at 10:30 that night. We spent the night in the house of some members, the Hno and Hna Monroy (leader mission). That was quite fun. It was really funny because the family had also invited the Zone Leaders to come. We then had a ride to the door of our house (that is for a reason that I will explain later) where we then went to bed at 11:00. Super late. The reason for the need of a chauffeur is because on New Years, everyone and their dog was shooting guns up into the air. Bullets kill you know,... even stray ones.

Well, we also had a great lesson with our family of women. We invited the Hna Soto with us to teach the Hnas Erika Laura and Dolores. The spirit was super strong, and the Hna Soto was able to testify, and also gain the confidence of them. She was able to relieve some of their doubts about the church.

Well, I love you all so much. Life is great here in Mexico. The weather has started to heat up. I think it has reached the 80´s, but I wouldn´t know. I love this work. There is nothing better. I love you guys so much, and I hope the best for all of you. One year to go... Wow time passes by so fast. Thank you so much for your support.

With a lot of Love,
Elder Johnson

December 26, 2011

Dearest Family,

Well hi. How are ya all doing? I´m great, thanks for asking! I loved the chance I got to speak with you guys yesterday night. It really was a great experience. I sincerely hope with all of my heart that you all had as great a Christmas as I had. Now that I sit down and think about it, I realize that it has been over a year since last Christmas... IMAGINE THAT! Haha Just think of all the great experiences that we shared the last Christmas. I really can almost not believe it,.. almost. Well, since I just spoke with you guys yesterday in the night, I will just give you all a brief account of what has gone down in the life of Elder Johnson (Jr.).

This week has been one of many many memories. I will never forget this Christmas. There are a lot of reasons for that. One of the cool things that happened to us this past week, is Elder Allen and I had a great spiritual experience. We dropped in on this family in the ward, where not all of the members of the household are members of the church. In fact the only one who was there, was the Hno who has not been baptized. We sat down, sang a Hymn, then prayed, and then we proceeded to share a scripture with him. Then out of now where my companion just asked him if he would prepare himself to be baptized. He said yes. We had barely 10 minutes getting to know the guy, and he had a baptismal date. God really prepares the hearts of those people who are ready to receive his gospel.

Oh, other thing that happened this week: Special changes.


So, me and Elder Allen have been split up. I will stay here in Libertad for the last three weeks of the transfer, with an Elder Soto. My companion, Elder Allen, has officially headed off to Amistad to be the companion of the A.P. (Assistant to President) or a.k.a. Elder Guillen. That is correct. My old Zone Leader is now the Assistant. I sure hope the best for Elder Allen, he`s a great Elder, and a great friend.

All of these things have helped make my Christmas what it was, but the greatest part that I had was by far the Christmas Choir. Words will never describe what happened that night. It was marvelous. We sang in the middle of a big plaza in the center of Los Mochis, and the Spirit was with us so strong. Even the fact that I had to sing a duet with Elder Tingey and my own microphone could not bring that experience down. (do not worry, I am not some like crazy good singer or anything, it is just that Elder Tingey is. He has his own band and everything,.. it is named Brumby) I will cherish these memories most of all. It really was just a great moment. There is nothing better than singing, and letting the Spirit testify of our dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That he was born. He came here for us, and died for us. That he has resurrected. That he lives.

Well, life is great. I love it. I love you guys, soo soooo much. I am so grateful for all of your support. I means the world to me, all of the things that you do for me.

Elder Johnson