Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 3, 2012

Dear Family,

Well, I sure was saddened to hear about the deaths of Aunt Norma and Aunt LaDean. It really is difficult, and even more so in this family centered time of year.

And to answer the multiple questions that Jackie asked,
Q. Skype or phone
A. I think that a phone call would most adequate. Skype would be more of a hassle, and would only last 1 hour as opposed to a phone call which will last 2 hours, and you can´t see me cry... (if it were the case that I should cry) hehehe
Q. I don`t remember if I told you this but if I did, oh well, I am going to tell you again, I am the beehive president for our ward! How exciting is that?
A. Congratulations. That is way super exciting, and a very big responsibility! I am sure that you will do wonderfully.
Q. I wanted to know if you had any ideas for this year’s chocolate house?
A. Well, as for the chocolate house,... I have no idea. You could make Santa´s house, and the barn where he keeps his reindeer. (And maybe the workshop where he makes the toys) I am sure that I will get to see whatever you choose, seeing as how we usually wait like 3 months to eat it! :)
Q. What are you doing in the pictures you sent us?
A. Jackie, you silly sister of mine, I have no clue of which picture you are referring to. :D
Q. Did you get the package the ward sent you.
A. As a matter of fact, I did receive the package this past Saturday! Thank you so so SOOOOO much. I sure did enjoy your letter Jackie. (not to mention all of the candy) You be sure to tell the Robinsons thank-you also.

AAAAAAAAHHHHHH I just barely realized that I left the house without a TIE!!!!! This has got to be the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened. It was extremely funny though. I felt for my tie and, lo and behold, I had put on the invisible one! I have been walking around looking really awkward with the top button buttoned up, and yet NO TIE. I turned to my companion, and asked him why he had not told me about the tie, and his eyes got the size of golf balls, and then started laughing. What shame.

Anyways, this past week was really quite the adventure. We did divisions, and I got the opportunity to go to Juarez and be with Elder Morrise. He has got to be the most interestingly delightful person I have come to know. He is passionate about music. He is so intense about his music, and sounds and such, that it often times causes somewhat of a distraction for him. He is super intelligent. We are working hard to get the two wards excited for the Christmas Concert that we are arranging. So far everything is going well, but it would be better if we had a better turnout from the wards in the rehearsals.

Do you remember my good friend Elder Tingey? The one who I was with for 6 months... The one from Las Vegas,... The one who has a band, and plays the base guitar, the drums, the normal guitar (I do believe it is called an acoustic guitar), and sings (obviously not all at the same time),.... The one who I sang with in the Christmas Concert last year, and then in the conference in August,.... The one who never changes his contacts,.... Well, anyways he ended his mission 4 weeks ago. I received an e-mail from him! Yay

Well I would like to tell you about a wonderful experience that I had this past week. We had a conference with our zone this past week. It was very good. I was reminded of some things that I have to keep on doing, and many things that I had forgotten and that I must start doing once more. Well, at the end of the conference, we went to the food. We ate with a future missionary named Edwardo. He is the only member in his family. Well, his mother made us food, and sat down to talk with us while we ate. She had talked with the missionaries in many occasions, but then for some reason they stopped passing by. Well, at the end of the food, we asked her if she knew anyone who needed to hear our message in these moments. We received the typical response "nope, I can´t think of anyone" and "the thing is I almost don´t know anyone around here". We sat there, and there were some moments of silence, and then she turned to us and told us that she works in the hospital (in our area) and that she would like for us to visit the people in the hospital! Wow. That is the first time this has happened. She then told us that she is going to ask permission from her boss so that we can enter and share messages with the patients. Elder Lopez and I are really excited to start this. It will be a fantastic way to find new people.

I love you all, and I sure hope that you are all doing wonderful. Have a great week. Be sure to make every day better than its yesterday. Life is great here in the mission (a little hot but oh well) and I would that it might not end.

Elder Johnson

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